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Exchange rates available in this tool are updated every day around 5:30 PM. Exchange rates of developed and developing countries are distinguished. Clicking on the currency of interest you can view a time series graph which includes daily data and moving averages, from 2014 to present. To download the graph you need to login.
Exchange rates available in this tool are updated every day around 5:30 PM. In the map chart shown above, each country can take five different color shades, depending on the different appreciation/depreciation dynamics that characterizes the exchange rate considered. Clicking on the country of interest you can view a time series graph which includes daily data and moving averages, from 2014 to present. To download the graph you need to login.
Bilateral and effective exchange rates
A bilateral exchange rate (BER) is the exchange value between two currencies. A bilateral exchange rate may change either due to factors influencing the currency considered or due to factors influencing the reference currency.
Effective Exchange Rate (EER) is calculated as the weighted average of a basket of bilateral exchange rates (BER) against the currency in question. It is therefore a measure of the weakness or strength of an currency in absolute, unlike bilateral exchange rates that reflect the position of a currency only to a second currency taken as a reference.