ExportPlanning News Archive
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: updates of Annual World Trade and Forecast Datamarts
Updated the datamarts containing the bilateral trade flows at a product-/sector-/industry-level with 2023 historical data. Go to the Ulisse Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DataViz-Exportpedia: update of Trade Data of American States Datamart (Q2-'24)
Updated up to Q2-2024 the datamart containing the quarterly trade data of the American States. >>Go to the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: Updates up to 2022 of "Automotive Datamart" for 150+ countries
Updates to 2022 of "Automotive Datamart", which combines global automotive trade information with production, sales and demand data.Access the Datamart
EXPORTPLANNING-DATA: EU Trade Datamart revisioned for Q2-2024 (pre-estimates)
For registered users, access is free for the "Total goods" and UL20 ("industries") of the ExportPlanning classification. >>Go to the EU Trade Datamart