Latest news: Uncertainty
There are 204 Articles with this tag

Pre-final figures for 2023: world trade of the Fashion industry declining, but with differentiated performances in terms of price ranges

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Slowdown Fashion Conjuncture Consumption pattern Uncertainty International marketing

At the end of the year, an overall decline of 5% in euro values is estimated, but with significant increases in sales in the mid-price range, compared to a sharp decline in the lower ranges [ Read all ]

Ecological transition and digitalisation to support world sales of Electronic Components and Electrical Engineering

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Planning Electronics Forecast Industries Uncertainty International marketing

Despite the slowdown in the international economy, decidedly positive growth rates are expected from this sector over the next four years, faster than the average of the 2010s [ Read all ]

Machinery: premium segments have been growing in 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Slowdown Industrial equipment Competitor analysis Uncertainty International marketing

As in the pandemic crisis, in 2023 investments in machinery aimed at improving the competitiveness of client companies have probably been favoured [ Read all ]

The sharp decline in world exports of ICT and Service Equipment

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Planning Conjuncture Check performance Industries Uncertainty Global economic trends

Preliminary data for Q3-2023 confirm the difficulties of the sector, although with different intensities at sector and geographic market level [ Read all ]

Automotive supply chain: widespread and robust global export growth in the first half of 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Conjuncture Automotive Check performance Industries Uncertainty Global economic trends

Double-digit % growth for world exports of motor vehicles (electric over all) and components (with a focus on electric batteries and accumulators) [ Read all ]

Green Transition drives Global sales of Switchboards

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Planning Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty International marketing High-tech Foreign market analysis

The excellent performance of global exports of switchboards: which are the most driving international markets in 2023? Which are the best performing competitor countries? [ Read all ]

Opportunities for Italian Exports: the China-US Challenge

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Asia United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Trade war Global economic trends

In an international arena characterised by US-China vis-à-vis, what dynamics are characterising Italian exports to the two markets? [ Read all ]