Latest news: Uncertainty
There are 204 Articles with this tag

First half of 2024: Global Trade Economic Outlook

Published by Simone Zambelli. .

Conjuncture Global demand Uncertainty Global economic trends

ExportPlanning's preliminary estimates for the second quarter of 2024 confirm the economic recovery that began earlier this year; however, uncertainty remains high. [ Read all ]

The gradual Recovery of Global Demand: Geographical and Sectoral profile

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty Global economic trends

A Geographical and Sectoral deepening of the gradual restart of World Trade in Goods [ Read all ]

Capital Goods Cycle: weak signs of strengthening globally in the 2nd quarter of 2024, in a context still of uncertainty

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Metal industry Conjuncture Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the April-June period, a trend increase of +3.1% at constant prices for world exports of capital goods, accelerating compared to previous quarters [ Read all ]

Winds of protectionism and changes in world trade

Published by Veronica Campostrini. .

Macroeconomic analysis Conjuncture Export markets Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Trade war Foreign market analysis

Un approfondimento su come misurare la crescita delle ritorsioni commerciali su scala mondiale [ Read all ]

Global sales of Mechanical Engineering: the 2023 performances

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Metal industry Conjuncture Uncertainty Global economic trends

Strong slowdown in euro values, but when measured at constant prices an even more favorable growth result than in 2022 [ Read all ]

Industry trends in the US market in the 4th quarter of 2023

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Conjuncture United States of America Uncertainty Global economic trends

In the face of significant drops in consumer and intermediate goods, US market shows excellent performance for automotive, but also still positive trends for food & beverage and machinery [ Read all ]

Food & Beverage World Trade in 2023: premium-price sales shine

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Food&Beverage Conjuncture Uncertainty International marketing

At the end of the year, an increase of just 3 percent in euros is expected in overall flows; by over 18 percent with reference to flows in the highest price ranges [ Read all ]

Home Products: world trade declining in 2023, but not in the premium segments

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Slowdown Home items Conjuncture Industries Uncertainty International marketing

At the end of the year, an overall decline in the world trade of Home Products is estimated, concentrated, however, on the lower price segments [ Read all ]