Earth-moving Machinery: USA as the driving market for global and Italian exports. Which States are driving growth?

The fastest growing territories according to the Q1-2024 trade data of the American States


Conjuncture Automotive United States of America American States Global economic trends

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World Exports of Earth-moving Machinery

World trade data for the first quarter of 2024, available in the ExportPlanning Quarterly World Trade Datamart, confirmed the phase of weakness in global sales of Earth-moving machinery1, for the second consecutive quarter in year-over-year (y/o/y) decline in euro values, after eleven consecutive quarters of y/o/y growth (dynamics - these - also confirmed in the measurement at constant prices)2.

In the first quarter of the year, global sales of Earth-moving machinery, although overall down (penalised above all by the declines in the markets of Indonesia, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Russia), have found support from the US market: in the first three months of 2024 the world export of sector recorded the most significant increase on the US market (+290.8 million euros), preceding Poland, Brazil, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Spain and Turkey.

The US market was therefore the main destination for global sales of Earth-moving machinery (with almost 20 billion euros in 2023)3 and leading destination in recent years: in the period 2020-2023, global sales of Earth-moving machinery to the US market grew overall by 8.6 billion euros, by far the most relevant increase among the world markets of the sector4.

From 2019 to today, the US market has been showing an overall increase in imports of Earth-moving machinery from the world of approximately 9 billion euros

World Exports of Earth-moving Machinery:
main driving markets in the 1st quarter of 2024

Level 2023 Delta (M €)
Market (Bn €) 2023/2019 Q1-2024/Q1-2023
United States 19.6 +8 628 +290.8
Poland 1.5 + 395 +120.9
Brazil 1.0 - 9 + 108.7
Canada 6.7 +2 533 +105.9
United Arab Emirates 1.2 + 510 + 95.1
Spain 1.2 + 480 + 67.2
Turkey 1.7 +1 349 + 59.5
Source: ExportPlanning - Quarterly World Trade Datamart

Earth-moving Machinery imports of the American States

The import data for the United States, broken down by State and partner Country, available in the Quarterly Trade of American States Datamart, allow documenting, within the US market, the most relevant geographical areas and those driving the overall demand for Earth-moving machinery in the most recent period.

In particular, in 2023 we note the record of imports of Earth-moving machinery expressed by Georgia [GE] (3.8 billion euros), Texas [TX] (2.8 Bn €) and Maryland [MD] (2.8 Bn €), followed by Pennsylvania [PA] (1.9 Bn €), Washington [WA] (1 Bn €), California [CA] (0.9 Bn €), Illinois [IL] (0.8 Bn €) and Tennessee [TN] (0.6 Bn €).

US market of Earth-moving machinery: top importing States 2023

With reference to the period 2020-2023 Maryland and Georgia offered by far the greatest contributions to the growth of US imports of Earth-moving machinery, with overall increases exceeding 1.6 billion euros, preceding Pennsylvania (+842 million euros), Texas (+828 M €), Washington (+696 M €) and Illinois (+628 M €).

Finally, the table below shows the American states that have highlighted the greatest year-over-year increases in imports of earthmoving machinery in the first three months of 2024. Above all, the performance of the state of Tennessee stands out (+335 million euros compared to the corresponding period of 2023), followed - however at a considerable distance - by those of Illinois (+66.7 M €), South Carolina (+62.1 M €) and, to a lesser extent, North Carolina (+19.8 M €).

US Imports of Earth-moving Machinery:
main driving States in the 1st quarter of 2024

Level 2023 Delta (M €)
American State (M €) 2023/2019 Q1-2024/Q1-2023
Tennessee 611.0 + 33.4 +335.0
Illinois 764.3 +627.7 + 66.7
South Carolina 297.0 +129.1 + 62.1
North Carolina 485.3 - 95.8 + 19.8
Source: ExportPlanning - Quarterly Trade of American States Datamart


Data for the first quarter of 2024 confirmed the driving role of the US market for international sales of Earth-moving machinery.
In particular, given the difficulties experienced by the markets of Indonesia, the UK, Germany, Belgium and Russia, the US Earth-moving machinery market shows widespread growth at a territorial level.

The analysis of the quarterly imports of the American states, which can be broken down by partner country, can allow us to document the territories of the US market that are continuing to offer positive contributions to the growth of global sales of Earth-moving machinery.

1) See the list of products included in this analysis in the following table.
2) It should be noted, in fact, that even in the measurement at constant prices (i.e. determined by the effects of inflation and currency changes) the world sales of Earth-moving machinery achieved - in the period between Q4-2020 and Q3-2023 - 12 consecutive quarters of y/o/y growth, demonstrating particularly dynamic global demand.
3) In the 2023 world Earth-moving machinery markets, behind the United States are Canada (6.7 billion euros), Austria (5 billion euros) and Russia (4.9 billion euros), the latter market - as highlighted - in significant decline in the first quarter of the year.
4) In the 2020-2023 period, behind the US market, we note - in absolute increases of Earth-moving machinery imports - the growth of the markets of Canada (+2.5 billion euros), Indonesia b> (+2 billion euros) and Russia (+1.6 billion euros), both - as mentioned - decreasing in the first quarter of the year.