Italian Government Plan to Promote Exports in 2019


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International trade and investment are vital to improving a country's competitiveness. For these reasons the Italian Trade Agency (ITA), is encouraging businesses to become exporters and to realise opportunities abroad. Specifically, and in line with the 2019 Government Export Programme, ITA will support international trade by addressing seven key priorities:

  1. Consolidate the contribution of exports to GDP growth and employment
  2. Increase the number of permanently exporting Italian companies
  3. Consolidate the presence of Italian companies, especially SMEs, on international e-commerce channels
  4. Increase the export share of southern Italian regions
  5. Analysis and quantitative studies on the strategic theme of exporting services
  6. Focus on sustainable forms of internationalization, both in terms of protecting intellectual property and corporate social responsibility
  7. Facilitate the internationalization of creative industries

To help achieve these aims, the 2019 Italian Budget made an initial allocation of 17.3 million euro followed by a second contribution of 140 million euro. Regarding government priorities, the objective is to pursue two lines of intervention: protection of mature markets and the opening up new ones.
The public budget of € 17.3 million will be enhanced by private contributions, estimated at € 7.8 million and representing a 31% contribution. The available funds will be invested in 29 supply chain projects and across 30 foreign countries.

The following two graphs show the importance of each market in terms of allocated public expenditure for 2018 and 2019.

Target Markets of 2019 Italian Government programme to Promote Exports

Source: ExportPlanning.

In 2019 the leading target market for the ITA is France, which replaces the role played by Germany in the previous year. The share of expenditure for the German market has been significantly reduced because of a decrease in trade fair activities.
Still on the European front, the shares for Spain and the Netherlands are increased, while the United Kingdom is no longer among the priorities of the Italian Government.

Outside the European context, the United States and Asian markets - in particular China, Japan and Vietnam - are confirmed as priorities in the Italian government plan to increase the value of exports.
In Asia, the preferred sectors are agri-business, fashion and mechanical engineering. In the US market mechanical engineering also plays a primary role, together with pharmaceuticals and vehicles.

About 68.7% of the available funds are destined for participation in exhibitions, which are viewed as the most favoured promotional tool, followed by communication activities, training courses and entrepreneurial missions.