ExportPlanning revamps to improve user experience for its users: the new version of the platform is online
Data and Tools for Success in International Markets
Published by Marcello Antonioni. .
Planning Export Internationalisation tools
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Based on a work of collecting the user experience of ExportPlanning.com users (currently over 3800), StudiaBo has developed a new version of the ExportPlanning platform, currently available in beta version: v3.exportplanning.com.
The objectives of this new version are as follows:
- make the data of the ExportPlanning Information System more usable;
- allow an immediate representation of the data of the ExportPlanning Information System, using special data visualization tools;
- make available to the user a toolbox in terms of tools that facilitate the user's analysis work;
- offer the user the possibility of activating personalized services that go beyond the ready-to-use options present on the platform.
ExportPlanning: home-page of the new version (v3)

A first work area of the new version of the platform consists of a series of tools designed to make user analysis particularly efficient:
- Market Selection: it is designed to build a ranking of markets with greater potential, through the comparison and weighting of a robust basket of indicators of Opportunity, Reliability and Accessibility;
- Reporting Tool: it is designed to allow an in-depth analysis of countries, products, markets and competing countries of interest, through a series of predefined and ready-to-use reports;
- Assessments: designed to provide a concise assessment of:
- a company's degree of readiness abroad (Export Readiness Assessment );
- entry strategies that optimize the cost/benefit ratio (Entry Strategy Assessment);
- Competitive Analysis: provides a working environment to measure the competitive positioning of several competitors, chosen by the user, by assessing the potential size of the market and the competitive positioning of companies;
- Int'l Business Plan: allows you to draw up a document of the "Int'l Business Plan" type by combining, in a single editing environment, the various outputs that can be extracted using the other ExportPlanning tools; the environment is structured in:
ExportPlanning v3: TOOLS

A second work area of the new version of the platform, certainly no less important than the first, consists of a series of environments for accessing, processing and extracting data that make up the ExportPlanning Information System 1, structured in:
- Socio-Economics: is the environment related to macroeconomic and social information for over 150 countries;
- Quarterly Trade Data: it is the environment that allows the access, processing and extraction of quarterly foreign trade data, structured in the following Datamart2:
- World: it is the datamart developed by StudiaBo on the economic flows of foreign trade of over 70 countries worldwide,
- EU Countries: it is the datamart on foreign trade flows of EU countries (source: EUROSTAT), at product level Combined 8-digit nomenclature, organized by StudiaBo into quarterly historical series and reclassified by product category ExportPlanning;
- USA: it is the datamart on flows of foreign trade of the United States (from the US Census Bureau), at the level of Harmonized System product classification with 10 figures, organized by StudiaBo in quarterly time series and reclassified by ExportPlanning product categories;
- Annual Trade Data & Forecast: it's the environment which allows access, processing and extraction of annual foreign trade data (historical and forecast), structured in the following Datamarts:
- Ulisse: is the data mart developed by StudiaBo on the annual bilateral flows of world trade by price range of over 150 countries;
- Forecast: it is the datamart developed by StudiaBo on the forecasts of world trade flows, starting from the elaboration of the Datamart Ulisse data through the StudiaBo Forecasting Models, and based on the forecast macroeconomic scenario of the International Monetary Fund.
ExportPlanning v3: DATA

This environment allows you to interactively display and represent the data of the ExportPlanning Information System, through the following data visualization tools:
- Exportpedia: allows you to select, aggregate and represent in graphical and tabular form the Dimensions and Measurements of the following databases:
- Market Barometer: allows you to monitor the evolution of a given market, in terms of evolution of imports of a given product/importing country, and of the main competitor countries operating in it;
- Exchange Rates: allows you to monitor the evolution of a currency, in terms of exchange rate against the euro, against the dollar and the effective exchange rate.
ExportPlanning v3: DATA VIZ

This environment allows the user to request a series of on-demand services:
- Customized Trade Data: allows you to receive in one or more formats defined in agreement with the user (spreadsheet, PDF document, PPTX document, etc.) the data of the ExportPlanning Information System in a dedicated manner;
- Report in PowerPoint format: allows to receive one or more reports from the Reporting Tool section in PPTX format;
- IMA Help Desk (International Market Accessibility): is a support service for market accessibility documentation, which consists of country or market reports prepared by expert consultants.
ExportPlanning v3: ON DEMAND SERVICES

ExportPlanning v3 access instructions
At StudiaBo we strongly believe that growth in terms of quality and usability of our products/services can only start from the needs and requirements of our users. For this reason we have decided to "open" the ExportPlanning v3 construction site to anyone who wants to contribute by bringing a suggestion, a criticism or a report on what has been done so far.
ExportPlanning v3 can be accessed using the same credentials to access www.exportplanning.com.
NB: the new version of the ExportPlanning platform is still to be considered as "beta" and therefore still to be considered as in-progress.
1) Another area accessible via the DATA environment of the new version of the ExportPlanning platform is called Production and Demand: it allows you to access, process and extract annual Production and Apparent Demand data for over 3000 products and over 150 countries.
2) With Datamart we mean an archive of internally homogeneous data.