Latest news: Made in Italy
There are 34 Articles with this tag

Small Household Appliances: a Counter-trend Dynamics

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Covid-19 Home items Great Lockdown Conjuncture Consumption pattern Made in Italy International marketing

In the first 9 months of the year, world demand of small appliances reported a 7% growth YoY; best results for small kitchen appliances [ Read all ]

Italian footwear in the cyclone

Published by Luigi Bidoia. .

Covid-19 Fashion Made in Italy Global economic trends

April 2020, Italian exports: -76%. The factors behind the collapse. [ Read all ]

LONG-LIFE AND CANNED FOODS: Potential and Accessibility to the US market

Published by Valeria Minasi. .

Food&Beverage Marketselection United States of America International marketing Made in Italy Market Accessibility

In 2019 long-shelf-life and canned foods reached a a new record in US imports: export potential and accessibility of US market [ Read all ]

Premium Opportunities for the European Fashion industry: after record numbers in 2019, the Chinese Market Unknown

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Premium price Slowdown Fashion Internationalisation Conjuncture Export markets International marketing Made in Italy Foreign market analysis

After the record trends of recent years, especially on high-end segments, In the first quarter of 2020 sharp drop of EU Exports of Fashion products - especially Clothing - to China. [ Read all ]

Italian Exports in 2019: clear Signs of Growth Deterioration

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Slowdown Regional export Conjuncture Check performance Data visualization Made in Italy Global economic trends

The weakness in international trade has mainly affected the Northwest, but also the North-East and Centre are slowing down [ Read all ]

Airbus Tariffs: the First US Revision

Published by Marzia Moccia. .

Europe Conjuncture United States of America Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Global economic trends

There are no substantial changes to the duties in force, but the application of the carousel retaliation creates deep uncertainty and amplifies risks. [ Read all ]

Healthcare Products: uninterrupted sales growth for European companies

Published by Marcello Antonioni. .

Internationalisation Health products Conjuncture Check performance Competitor analysis United States of America Made in Italy Global economic trends

In Q4-2019 a new record value of EU Exports of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products, especially on the US market [ Read all ]

"The World in 2020": Trends to Watch

Published by Alba Di Rosa. .

Slowdown Internationalisation Export Foreign markets Uncertainty Made in Italy Trade war Brexit Global economic trends

A risk map for companies operating on foreign markets, according to ISPI, Assolombarda and SACE [ Read all ]

Export Management Specializations

Published by Giuseppe Vargiu. .

Planning Bestpractice Internationalisation SME Export Made in Italy Internationalisation tools

Export Management Specializations: Strategy and Operations need different Profiles [ Read all ]